Visually Striking Applecross House Showcasing Large Roof and Balcony Overhangs

Компания «ЭкоИнструмент» работает на рынке аналитического оборудования с 1993г. Мы всегда стремились предоставить нашим клиентам лучший сервис, гарантировать качество и надежность приборов, точность и достоверность результатов измерений. ph-метры, весы аналитические и лабораторные, спектрофотометры, оксиметры, кондуктометры, промышленные контроллеры, кислородомеры, воздушные стерилизаторы, климатические камеры, сушильные шкафы и муфельные печи, колориметры и поляриметры, мутномеры — мы выбрали лучших производителей этого оборудования и теперь предлагаем Вам сделать свой выбор.
Applecross House by Brian Burke Homes is an original looking two-level residence located in Perth, Australia, close to the Canning River foreshore. The aim of the architects was to maintain the essence of a traditional home, while planning an unconventional luxury retreat. Due to extensive use of glass and large terraces adjoining both levels, the retreat perfectly balances open and enclosed spaces. The swimming pool mirrors the construction during the day and completes the image of an opulent lifestyle.

Local weather conditions had a powerful influence on the overall design and layout: “Opening up to the north allows the warming winter sun to penetrate deep into the heart of the home while the large roof and balcony overhangs keep the summer heat at bay. Two large formal entertaining areas, a massive gym, triple car garage, kids playroom, massive kitchen and a generous outdoor alfresco area comprise the ground floor while the four main bedrooms & a study cleverly cantilevered out over a garden make up the top floor.” Enjoy the gallery below and let us know if you find contemporary home design powerful and/or appealing! [via freshome]


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